More and more strange sightings have been spotting across the sky recently as many believe this to be a sign of Armageddon being upon us. As the title suggests, these strange circular clouds have been spotted all around the globe, specifically through one was recorded over Moscow to lie there over the people for well over an hour or so. Since so many pictures and videos were taken and uploaded by them all over Mexico, USO, Romania, and more, it is safe to say that this wasn’t faked in the slightest.
Many believe that this is the outcome of cloaked UFO ships hiding behind the clouds all along. There are also some that believe that these clouds are meant to warn us of a cosmic or UFO coming straight for us. This theory came about on October 7th, 2019 as after the sighting of the cloud was reported a meteor fell straight down in Indonesia. Back in 1908, in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, yet another meteorite exploded, completely decimating over 770 square miles of forest and sadly enough destroying over 80 million trees. Luckily, however, no humans were affected by the blast.
This is why many believe that the circular cloud acted as a defense mechanism of Earth, which deflected the meteorite to change direction and hit a non inhibited area. This is why many believe that these circular clouds are actually Earth’s defense system, as according to scientists, considering the fact that Earth will most likely collide with at least 6 major asteroids in the next 120 years or so, maybe Earth decided it had enough and wanted to give us a warning before it comes into contact with this?